Friday, November 12, 2010

Multi-Tasking at Its Finest

I just have to share the funniest story one of my ironman friends told me.  She recently did a local ride, called the Tour de Donut (you can subtract time from your ride time for each donut you consume).  Before the ride start, she happened to meet a small family who was apparently doing the ride for the first time.  The wife kept asking my friend if she--the wife--rode her bike for 3 hours a day, if she could eat whatever she wanted and be thin.  My friend responded that no, probably not - you still have to eat healthy to be healthy (or something to that effect).  The ride started, and my friend took off to do her 50-something mile ride.  As she neared the last rest stop, she saw the family again.  As she passed by, she turned to say a few encouraging words to the wife.  The wife was calmly riding her bike... and smoking a cigarette at the same time. 

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