Sunday, October 31, 2010

On Time Trials and Listening

I have a new respect for cyclists, even though I consider myself one (somewhat).  This weekend was the team time trial in Gruene, TX.  We arrived Fri. night and stayed in a cabin.  Saturday a.m. was a tour ride through the hills around Gruene, Sat. afternoon was the individual TTs, and Sunday a.m. were the team TTs.  I rode the team TT on a tandem - 27 miles of pain and panting.  I thought the race would be more like spin class... it  hurts, but not so badly that you're not having a good time.  But at 7.5 miles into the race I was ready for a break and we still had 20 miles to go.   The hill at  mile 20 was the killer.... we must have climbed for almost a mile, and climbing on a tandem is a whole lot harder than climbing on my own bike.  We ended up getting 4th place for the tandem group with an average pace of 20.4 and a time of 1:16.  Not too shabby.  At least the captain was happy. 

I'm the blue blip in the back...


On another note, I am realizing yet again that people who are able to listen and take an interest in others' lives are few and far between.  I notice that the majority of conversation is one person telling a story about themselves, and it reminds someone else of something - so that next person tells a story about themselves... and the conversation goes on like that.  Why is that?  is our society so selfish that we have grown accustomed to only thinking of ourselves all the time?  Is that something that tends to come with being a Christian - the ability to inquire, empathize, and encourage another person?  Is that something that comes with emotional maturity?  I am guilty of it myself - being more interested in making sure everyone else knows how awesome and funny I am, instead of focusing on the needs and interests and desires of others.  Maybe that's what Jesus meant when he said to love others more than we love ourselves.

Ironstar 70.3 is now officially one week away.  Gulp.

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